Jct conditions of contract
Jct conditions of contract

Certificate for payment PDF 52.79 KB Certificate of making good PDF 69.71 KB Non-completion certificate PDF 71.04 KB Practical completion certificate PDF 69. This is particularly important in practical situations where amendments to the contract vary the standard terms. JCT Standard Form of Building Contract with quantities 2016 (PDF) Forms for use with the JCT Standard Form of Building Contract with quantities 2016. The use of this book is recommended to be in conjunction with a copy of the appropriate JCT contract in order that the exact terminology of the document may be studied together with its interpretation. Thus, this book will prove of use to many concerned with building, whether in industry or the professions commonly encountering problems of interpretation and implementation of the contract, or as students. The third edition of this book incorporates the amendments published up to the end of November 1994 and updates the case law to include significant, recent precedents which supplement those included in the first two editions. This book analyses and comments on the 1980 JCT Standard Form of Building Contract, Private with Quantities Edition on a clause-by-clause basis, including notes on interpretation, legal precedents and information on the alternative editions of the Standard Form as well as the appropriate supplements. The JCT suite of contracts has no equivalent clause meaning that the risk of unexpected ground conditions on site is a Contractor's risk and that the discovery of any unexpected ground conditions will not normally entitle a Contractor to any extension of time for the completion of the works or any additional costs.

Jct conditions of contract