A human voyage exploring biological anthropology pdf book
A human voyage exploring biological anthropology pdf book

The Emergence of the Genus Homo, Chapter 10 November T 03 Hominin Origins: From Ape to Australopithecine, Chapter 9 R 05 Hominin Origins: From Ape to Australopithecine, Continued T 10 What It Means to Be a Hominin, Chapter 8 What It Means to Be a Hominin, Continued Primate Evolution, Chapter 7 Primate Evolution, Continued Primate Behavioural Ecology, Chapter 6 Primate Behavioural Ecology, Continued What It Means to Be a Primate, Chapter 5 What It Means to Be a Primate, Continued The Biological Basis of Human variation, Chapter 3 The Biological Basis of human Variation, Continued Science and the Development of Evolutionary Theory, Chapter 2 Science and the Development of Evolutionary Theory, Continued September R 10 Introduction to Biological Anthropology, Chapter 1 T 15 R 17 There is equal emphasis on each daily topic. The principal topics are evolutionary theory, human genetics, the nature of race, living primates, and the fossil record of humanity.” Course Description  This is the description and sequence of course topics, along with corresponding required reading in the textbook. Erickson  TR 11:30 am-12:45 pm, L 170  Office hours TR 1:00-4:00 pm, MS 215 telephone 90 e-mail  No prerequisites  “A survey of human biological evolution. General Information  ANTH 1280.1 Introduction to Biological Anthropology  3 credit hours  Dr. ANTH 1280.1 Introduction to Biological Anthropology Syllabus Fall 2015 This syllabus complies with Senate Policy on Course Outlines 8-1012.

A human voyage exploring biological anthropology pdf book